Individualized Program

What is it?

The Individualized Program is a tailored program that will address the needs of your child.

Parents and caregivers are in a key position to assist the child or young person to develop through their challenges. You have daily contact with your child – a key element as it allows practice in a wide range of situations, and you have the emotional investment to make it happen.

Our aim for you is that you become confident and knowledgeable about your child’s individual profile and how to assist them to be the best that they can be. Parents learn about how to engage with their child and support them in their interactions. Children are enabled to unlock the potential that is inside of them while we cheer them on.

Services Available

Services available include:

  • A speech and language assessment. 

  • Diagnostic reports.

  • Progress reports.

  • Intervention sessions.

  • Consultation with key people in the child’s life, including: teachers and childcare workers.

  • Transition facilitation e.g. to school or high school

  • Social skill groups

  • Yearly review reports are provided on request to examine the progress of individual goals. 


Assessment of Communication Skills

Through a guided conversation with parents and caregivers, clinical observation and at times, standardised testing, we put together a picture of each young person’s abilities and challenges. This information is then used to develop strategies that will be tested and refined in therapy sessions. 

A report will be provided upon request.


Group Therapy

Small groups of 2 - 6 participants focus on each child developing their emerging social skills with their peers.


Speaking Events

Tamara also speaks at conferences, seminars, in service training days. If you're interested in having Tamara speak at your event please contact us.