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I have just been browsing the British newsletter called The National autistic society. You have to hand it to the Brits...they are thorough and look at autism from every angle. I love finding a resource that is so practical and packed with information. if you do ....go to to this site: http://www.autism.org.uk/our-services/education-and-schools/free-schools-and-academies.aspx
The page I have chosen for you to look at is one which details the new autism specific schools that are starting up in Britian. I was particularly interested to see the teaching approach they have chosen. They describe two main approaches- those of SCERTS and TEACCH. These are two approaches that also use the developmental, individual difference, relationship based approach. That is exciting. The wheel is turning to include this type of approach as now the preferred method of teaching children with autism- at least in some places.
Hope you enjoy browsing and percollating your thoughts about your child, their education and what could be.